Manipulating psionic energy around herself granting a mystical refraction of light that protects her from external harm and giving her bonus damage for a limited number of instances. Lasts for 17 seconds.
Level 1 - 20 bonus damage, 2 Instances.
Level 2 - 40 bonus damage, 3 Instances.
Level 3 - 60 bonus damage, 4 Instances.
Level 4 - 80 bonus damage, 5 Instances.
• Direct HP Removal does not trigger refraction.
• The instance blocking and damage bonus are independent of each other.
• The status buff might take a while to dissapear after the charges are gone.
• Only instances of more than 5 damage (after all reductions) will remove a charge.
Mana Cost: 75
Cooldown: 17
Meld (D)
The art of Shakuras allows Lanaya to conceal herself at any time of the day and strike from the shadows with her armor-shredding blades. Deals bonus damage and reduces enemy armor for 10 seconds.
Level 1 - 50 damage, -2 armor.
Level 2 - 100 damage, -4 armor.
Level 3 - 150 damage, -6 armor.
Level 4 - 200 damage, -8 armor.
• Damage type: physical
• Meld is broken by any action other than staying in position.
• The bonus damage and armor reduction is only applied if Meld is broken by attacking a unit.
• The armor debuffs don't stack with each other.
• The invisibility comes from windwalk with a fadetime of 0.001 seconds.
• Duration Meld: Infinite
Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 7
Psi Blades (B)
Using her psionic powers, the Templar causes enemy units behind her target to feel the same pain as the target itself. This psionic power extends her attack range.
Level 1 - 40 Bonus Range, 320 Spill Range.
Level 2 - 100 Bonus Range, 340 Spill Range.
Level 3 - 160 Bonus Range, 360 Spill Range.
Level 4 - 220 Bonus Range, 380 Spill Range.
• Damage type: pure
• Spill damage hits invisible units.
• Attack effects (like orb effects and bash) will only will be applied to the main target.
• Area of Effect: 80 width and 295/315/335/355 length
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Psionic Trap (C)
Creates psionic traps on ground. When triggered, it will slow units within 400 range by 50% for 5 seconds.
Level 1 - 50% slow on activation, Max 5 Traps.
Level 2 - 50% slow on activation, Max 8 Traps.
Level 3 - 50% slow on activation, Max 11 Traps.
Mana Cost: 15
Cooldown: 11/9/7
• Traps last indefinitely.
• They have invisibility (3 seconds fade time), magic immunity and 100 HP at all levels.
• They do not prevent Neutrals spawning.
• Traps have 400/400 vision range.
• When a Trap is placed, it is added to your selection
• Casting range: 2000
• Area of Effect: 400
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